Reiki Healing: What is it?
I am writing this post based upon my learnings of studying with three Reiki Master Teachers, God, my own intuition, a plethora of books and 20 plus years of experience with clients.
So, what exactly is it?
What is Reiki Healing?-
My definition of Reiki Healing is: Reiki is a beautiful gift from God to humanity that may be referred to as prayer, healing prayer and Life Force Energy.
Reiki stills and soothes the receivers mind, body and spirit. I refer to Reiki as a massage for the soul, because it feels so good and comes with such a sense of relief.
All can receive Reiki healing.
How does Reiki Healing Work?-
It’s important to know that everything in our world is energy, even our bodies. Common examples of energy in our world could be power lines, radio stations, seeing a ball thrown, fire, cell phones, fuel or lights. We even pay for energy usage monthly via electrical power, cell phones, internet and other bills.
You are able to experience energy (power lines, auras), feel (heat, air-conditioning, sensations in the body) and see (electric meter on house, fuel pump, happy person) the results of that energy daily.
Consider this though. Are you able to physically see the energy from phones or electricity?
No, we can’t see that kind of energy, yet we know it’s there.
Reiki healing, Healing touch, God Centered Healing, Acupuncture, etc. are healing modalities that involve energy that very few can see.
All Reiki practitioners have a different process so it’s important to ask many questions before you hire someone.
Here is a simplified version of my process:
The Reiki Practitioner needs to ask every session if the client is willing to receive healing from God. Some people aren’t able or open to receiving healing because they don’t feel deserving, worthy or they may feel they are being punished for something in the past or generational.
If the client is open to receive healing, they will relax onto a massage table fully clothed. Since I know that all healing comes from God, I would ask God to come through me in order to heal the person I’m working on. I may hold my hands over the client’s seven different chakras, spending time on areas requiring the most healing. Or, I may use my intuition from God as to where on the body the client needs healing the most. Each Reiki session is unique based upon an individual’s distinct needs.
Where did Reiki Healing Originate From?
I believe God gave us the ability of healing. It came from the beginning of time and had no words associated with it. I even believe that Jesus did Reiki.
The word Reiki is two words in Japanese; Rei means Universal Life & Ki means Energy.
Mikao Usui is acknowledged for reminding humanity of Reiki back in the 1920’s. Mikao Usui taught very few students, one of which was Chujiro Hayashi. Chujiro Hayashi did Reiki on Mrs. (Hawayo) Takata while she was in Tokyo.
Mrs.Takata was so pleased with her results and healing that she studied with Chujiro and brought Reiki to Hawaii (1937) and eventually to the United States. To learn Reiki from Mrs.Takata was extremely expensive. I believe Mrs.Takata wanted to preserve the integrity and sacredness of Reiki. Reiki was eventually brought to the masses during the 1970s in the United States by Diane Stein.
How can you Learn Reiki Healing?-
There are two ways in which you can learn Reiki healing; the metaphysical approach meaning “universe” or the second approach “God through Jesus”.
They are NOT one in the same.
My first two Reiki master teachers used the metaphysical approach. I always felt and knew something was missing for me.
The third Reiki master teacher was a Christian (I am Christian). My entire experience working with a God centered teacher was very enlightening and a game changer. I was taught and understood that healing flows from God through me to the client on the table. I am a conduit only. The credit goes to God because God alone is the source of healing.
If you hear the word channel or “I have healed” that is a warning to you. Always remember, God does the healing.
My metaphysical experiences have taught me to be aware. God has been replaced by “the universe”. I believe God created the universe, therefore, good and evil are within the universe.
If you are tapping into the universe while teaching Reiki healing or doing energy work, how do you know if you’re tapping into good or evil?
You don’t.
Evil is very cunning and shapeshifting. It’s important to pray to God through Jesus Christ for everything. I have seen so many humans, animals, land, food, etc healed by God. All healing is from God. It is vitally imperative to fully understand God is doing the healing. The practitioner takes no credit for the healing or non-healing.
Can Reiki Healing be Dangerous?
No, true Reiki Healing does no harm.
However, this is where discernment is important. Is the Reiki practitioner connecting to God through Jesus or through “The Universe”?
When I learned Reiki, I was taught that Reiki would do no harm. Over the years I have started to question this statement. Since Reiki is energy, it’s crucial that you know where that energy is coming from. The only way to truly know that the energy you are tapping into is pure is by connecting to God through Jesus Christ.
Tapping into “the universe” does not guarantee that the practitioner is becoming a conduit for healing and safe energy because the universe is made of both good & evil.
Be sure to have up front conversations with practitioners in order to know their beliefs around God versus “the universe”.
How to Become a Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master Teacher-
There are three to four levels (degrees) of training to become a qualified Master Reiki Teacher. If your goal is to become a Reiki practitioner it’s possible to start taking clients with only Reiki Level I, however, I highly recommend completely all levels of training.
Reiki I focuses on the physical body. Reiki II focuses on the emotional body and long distance healing. Reiki III focuses on the spiritual body, a deeper connection with God. Reiki III may also cover how to teach depending upon the program you are enrolled in.
Some Reiki Masters require Reiki IV which provides instruction on how to teach the different Levels of Reiki. Every Reiki Master has their own way of teaching Reiki and sets specific requirements to be certified. For instance, some Reiki Masters require that you do ten Reiki sessions for clients before moving to the next level.
I believe all levels of Reiki need to be learned in person. Be prepared for self-growth, discomfort, release, and peace when learning Reiki. Your body is constantly communicating with you.
While taking Reiki I (which focuses on the physical body) many of my student’s have expressed relief of physical pain or awareness of stiffness, pain, past pain and the meaning of that discomfort.
Ever heard the phrase,“Healer, heal thyself” (author unknown)? During your Reiki learning you are actually healing the physical “self”.
Louise Hay’s work has taught us that our physical bodies can harbor emotions which cause physical pain. For example, her teaching’s say that a headache represents fear and self-criticism and feet represent “our understanding–of ourselves, of life, of others”. So, as individual’s learn and practice Reiki, these hidden emotions stored in the body are released and healing occurs.
Reiki II is about emotions. I have found that Reiki II requires some inward reflection, meditation, prayer, journaling and forgiveness work for teacher and students alike. All those hurts that are hiding in the heart and body may come to the surface.
My student’s often tell me that taking Reiki II and Reiki III close together is very helpful in regards to releasing emotions.
I believe this is because Reiki III focuses on the spiritual aspect of healing which helps with letting go and forgiveness work. The majority of my students have experienced heightened connections with God and their intuition during this time.
Now that we’ve gone over the different levels of Reiki, I want to touch on a very important part of healing, attunements.
What is an Attunement?
What happens when you tune a piano? Do words like harmony and balance come to mind? The piano tuner tunes the piano, allowing the piano to sound its best.
After each Reiki level, everyone receives an attunement which only takes a few minutes. These attunements create harmony, balance and turn on the power of Reiki. The attunement allows the individual to become more connected with God in order to conduct healing to receivers.
I have used attunements for Reiki students, babies, animals, adults and land.
What are Symbols-
Reiki Level II and III include the teaching of symbols. Dr.Usui brought these symbols and their meanings to the world. The symbols are of Sanskrit origin and are not Reiki.
During Dr. Usui’s three week fast and meditation on Mt. Kurama, the symbols appeared to him. It’s my belief that he connected with God in order to fully grasp the spiritual meaning of the symbols as well as how to use them.
To me the symbols are extremely sacred and are to be respected.
How can you find a Reiki Master Teacher? -
Since I believe Reiki should always be taught in person, you may need to travel to your teacher or find a teacher near you. Many people ask how to find a Reiki Master teacher. A large part of this journey is asking God to put the right teacher in your path.
In order to take action on finding a Reiki Master Teacher, ask some of the health professionals in your town. The holistic health community is pretty tight knit and, chances are, you will find someone by word of mouth.
Health food stores
Chiropractic offices
Chiropractic schools
Massage therapist
Massage schools
Naturopathic office
When I was looking for my third Reiki Master teacher, I prayed and asked God to find the perfect teacher for me. I continued to thank God for “the Reiki Master Teacher I already met who would bring my learning to the next level to help myself and others.” It’s important to pray as if you already have what you desire and to be grateful for it.
How did my story turn out? Well, within a few months I was randomly introduced to a Reiki Master Teacher who was Christian.
Keep in mind that not all Reiki Masters teachers or books are the same quality or integrity.
It’s important to always use discernment, be aware and ask lots of questions before taking a course or receiving Reiki Healing.
Tip- Before looking for a Reiki Master Teacher, create a list of the qualities, learning and experiences that are important to you. It was important to me that my Reiki Master Teacher was God based, walked the walk and lived what they taught. Consider adding this to your list of important qualities.
What to expect during a Reiki healing session-
Clothes are left on for a Reiki session. I use a massage table. I recommend people to wear loose comfortable clothes. Reiki is done on the back and front of the body with or without touch.
How Long Does a Reiki Healing Session Last?-
Sessions can be 5 minutes long for a baby, 15 – 20 minutes for an animal, or 90 minutes for an adult which is my personal preferred amount of time. It is extremely important to me that the person I’m working with receives all that they need. I ask people to allow for an extra 15- 30 minutes when they book an appointment just in case they require the additional time. Children and animals let you know when they have had enough Reiki by walking away.
How Much Does a Reiki Healing Session Cost?-
Some Reiki practitioners charge per 15 minutes. Prices vary depending where you live in the US and the level of Reiki Practitioner you are working with.
For example, Reiki I practitioners are normally looking to gain experience and will work for donation or a lower fee.
For an experienced Reiki practitioner you may expect to pay anywhere from $60-$500/hour.
Can Reiki Healing Help Depression and Anxiety?-
From my experience, yes, Reiki healing can help with depression and anxiety. The amount of healing that takes place depends on if the person believes and allows healing from God into their body, mind and soul.
Reiki also has other health benefits. It has been shown to lower blood pressure. It can relieve pain, speeds the healing process, and stops bleeding. It also brings balance, harmony, increased focus, relaxation and rejuvenates the mind, body and spirit. Reiki healing has helped my clients to achieve deep delta sleep at night and awaken each morning happier and with more energy. I have personally received healing and have witnessed miracles for humans and animals through Reiki healing.
What Does Reiki Feel Like?-
I’ve had clients tell me it tickles, feels like champagne bubbles, very warm or cool. People may experience twitching, coughing, laughing, fall into a deep sleep or cry. Each Reiki session is different for every person or animal. A person may be energized after a session or extremely tired requiring a nap once they are home.
Reiki is a beautiful gift you can give yourself in having a session or becoming certified as a Reiki Practitioner. May these words inspire you to begin or reestablish your own Reiki journey in your life.
Thank you for your time. If you have any questions please reach out and I’ll try to answer them to the best of my ability.